The Silent Saboteur: Confronting Fatty Liver Disease

Hepatic steatosis is a common, complex metabolic disease characterized by the buildup of excess fat within liver cells. It is the early state of a condition known as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and is the most common liver disorder in industrialized countries with increasing prevalence noted alongside the global epidemic of obesity. An estimated 25-33% of adults in the …

Lifestyle Medicine

Medicine Done Differently

When a patient comes to see a doctor, what can he or she expect? With the usual 15 minutes allocated for most appointments, doctors are at a disadvantage to grapple with a range of maladies, much less help a health-conscious person optimize advice.  “’Healthy’ is not merely the absence of disease. It is the presence of wellness and a sense of …

Dinner table

The dinner table is ground zero

The National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention (NCCDP) has published troubling data. According to one NCCDP study, 1 in 2 American adults suffers from at least one chronic disease. In other words, 50% of us fight the unnecessary (and toxic) battles for our physical, mental and financial well-being. Fortunately, a healthy lifestyle can both prevent and reverse some of these …

concierge medicine

The Concierge Approach to Medicine

The concierge approach to medicine is experiencing increased demand, notes Dr. Mayer. People are seeking ways of addressing prevention of chronic disease and wanting to correct underlying causes.  “Patients want a relationship with their physician where they have accessibility, longer appointments and education regarding the status of their health,” she advises. To facilitate that, her new practice affords same day …

Open House June 13th

OPEN HOUSE! Join us June 13th, 2024

OPEN HOUSE, RSVP TODAY! Join us Thursday, June 13th from 4-7pm for our Open House!Meet & Greet, IV Nutrition, and more! Please RVSP by June 7th:918-488-9874

gut brain connection

The Gut-Brain Connection

Pay attention to your gut-brain connection – it may contribute to your anxiety and digestion problems. The gut-brain connection is no joke; it can link anxiety to stomach problems and vice versa. Have you ever had a “gut-wrenching” experience? Do certain situations make you “feel nauseous”? Have you ever felt “butterflies” in your stomach? We use these expressions for a …


Helpful ways to strengthen your immune system and fight off disease

How can you improve your immune system? On the whole, your immune system does a remarkable job of defending you against disease-causing microorganisms. But sometimes it fails: A germ invades successfully and makes you sick. Is it possible to intervene in this process and boost your immune system? What if you improve your diet? Take certain vitamins or herbal preparations? …


How much should the average adult exercise every day?

As a general goal, aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day. If you want to lose weight, maintain weight loss or meet specific fitness goals, you may need to exercise more. Want to aim even higher? You can achieve more health benefits if you ramp up your exercise to 300 minutes or more a week. …


What to Eat and What Steer Clear of During Allergy Season

Citrus: The essential oils found in fruits like oranges, tangerines and lemons have an antihistamine effect that can help relax nasal passages. Grapes: Red grapes contain a mix of antioxidants believed to help inhibit inflammation in the airways and ease allergy symptoms like swollen sinuses and congestion. Almonds: People who eat nuts at least three times a week suffer less …


How can nature benefit my mental health?

Spending time in green space or bringing nature into your everyday life can benefit both your mental and physical wellbeing. For example, doing things like growing food or flowers, exercising outdoors or being around animals can have lots of positive effects. Spending time in nature has been found to help with mental health problems including anxiety and depression. For example, …